California Running Lab. All Rights Reserved.
Premium Coaching Plans
Develop your athletic potential and reach your goals, whether that's running your first 5K or marathon, setting a new PR, or getting that coveted Boston-Qualifying marathon time.
Your own individualized running program. Get full coach access and plan adjustments as often as needed, based on your race schedule, goals, and life events.
You get:
Your own individual training plan
Access to private Facebook group
Access to private Strava group
Weekly track workout for local athletes (San Jose, CA)
Full coach access: unlimited communication
Life got in the way? Your training plan will be tweaked as needed
Commit to a six-month training cycle, and you will receive everything in our "Try It" coaching menu. Best for athletes who are "in it" for the long run!
You get:
Your own individual training plan
Access to private Facebook group
Access to private Strava group
Weekly track workout for local athletes (San Jose, CA)
Full coach access: unlimited communication
Life got in the way? Your training plan will be tweaked as needed
Ongoing race planning help
Discounted pricing
Custom Training Programs
For the self-sufficient athlete: Receive a 16- or 20-week custom training plan developed just for you and your race goals. A private Facebook group will allow you to ask general questions and get coaching or running advice, but a coach will not be able to monitor or provide feedback on your training day to day. Best for athletes who have a solid training base, know what they are doing and do not want to receive ongoing input from a coach.
You get:
Your own individual training plan
Access to private Facebook group
Access to private Strava group
Weekly track workout for local athletes (San Jose, CA) - at additional cost.